The Power of Your Words
“It just seems impossible.” I said to my daughter recently when talking about the setbacks we’re experiencing as we navigate this DIY home improvement project. “You can do it!” she replied. “Don’t say it’s impossible!”
She’s right and I know she’s right because she learned that words have power from a few very smart people.
One of them is – Me.
I do believe that the words we hear often are the words we believe or that keep rattling around in our brain long enough that we take them in.
Years ago, I learned about an experiment involving words and water while watching a movie called What The Bleep Do We Know? I had already been studying a lot about the effect of my words on my feelings and beliefs. The work of Dr. Masaru Emoto boggled my mind. Here’s a summary of his findings when he combined water and words.
Whether you believe in his experiment or believe the critics that say it’s ridiculous really doesn’t matter. For me, after learning about this experiment, I decided on one small way to incorporate it into my own life. And I still have a water bottle with the words “infinite gratitude” and “infinite love” written on the side. Even if those words don’t change the water, they remind me to change my thoughts and words every time I take a sip.
I also began long ago to think about the words that come into my brain and/or out of my mouth. Sounds simple, right? It’s simple, but not always easy. A lot of words come into my awareness every day. I hear them spoken by others as well on the television or in conversations online and in real life. So no, I can’t always hear, think or say loving, wonderful and kind things to and about myself or to and about others. It’s a constant process for me. And it’s harder when my stress level is high. But I still believe in the importance of choosing my thoughts and words carefully and I have experienced many times when words influenced my mood, my behaviors and my experiences with others. And I listen to my daughter and others when they remind me that my words aren’t kind or affirming – I appreciate the reminders very much. I try to remind others gently as well.
Words matter. Sometimes we speak to or about ourselves in ways that we would never speak to others.
Think about this Meme for just a second.

Be Beautiful
Today’s self care prompt is to create affirming words or thoughts that are kind and loving – that maybe you can repeat today and every day.
One of my favorite calming affirmations is from Louise Hay.
“All is well. Everything is working for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. And I am safe.” It’s written on a dry-erase board in my office. I use it during my morning yoga practice so I will begin my day saying and thinking those thoughts.
Take a few moments to think about these questions:
What words matter to you today?
What words would move you forward to where you want to be?
What words make you feel and look beautiful?
What words would make you feel loved and cared for?
What loving words do you say often to others that you could be saying to yourself?