Summer of Self Care – Day 22

Accountability Day


We all have that unfinished project that needles at our thoughts whenever we think about it. Or that cluttered closet or bookcase we want to purge. These things that we have discussed in previous posts about tolerations or decluttering – maybe you couldn’t get to them yet and you need to schedule…

Accountability Day!!!









I used to host these monthly with a friend of mine who is an organizer, and it’s something I may re-start. But for today, let’s create a plan for you to have an Accountability Day right now when you need it, without any help from us. You Can Do It!

Start by identifying the project or area that needs focus. Then think about what you need to tackle it; tools, containers, supplies, chocolate. Decide how much time you have to work on this today and schedule a start time.

Then set the timer for an hour and get to work.

At the end of the hour, take a SHORT break (5 minutes or so) and check in with how it’s going and if you need anything else before you begin again. If no, start back up. If you need extra supplies, go and get them or send someone else after them. Then start back up.

You may need several accountability days to complete your project, so schedule those over the next four weeks or so.

If you need extra accountability besides the timer, find an accountability buddy and check in with him or her at the end of each hour. (Add another five or ten minutes for you to check in with each other). Encourage, support and remind each other to stick with it and get back in the game.

Getting those projects off your to-do list is going to make you feel so good! Creating an Accountability Day creates a mindful container for you to commit and complete.

Now off you go!!