A Magical Day

Today is 10/10/10, a somewhat magical day in the world of numerology. I learned that a colleague got married today. In fact, many people decided to marry or do other exciting things on binary dates which are unique and memorable. You might not be planning something huge – maybe you didn’t plan anything at all. But it isn’t too late to consider a few things to make the day memorable.

 Another coach, Cheryl Richardson, decided to share a few lists today and I thought I would borrow her idea and create a few of my own. Take a look at my lists of Ten Things and then create your own based on what works for you. And enjoy this magical day!

 Ten Things I Will Say YES To:

1)      Time with my family

2)      A walk in the woods

3)      An hour a week of self care

4)      Moving my body

5)      Reading a good book

6)      Special notes and calls to my friends

7)      Lots of clean, fresh water to drink

8)      Gratitude journaling

9)      Creative time

10)   Petting my dogs

Ten Things I Will Say NO To:

1)      Gossip

2)      Negative Thoughts

3)      My inner censor who tells me I’m not good enough

4)      Drama and chaos

5)      Judgment of myself or others

6)      Stressful situations

7)      Clutter and messes

8)      Feelings of lack

9)      Procrastination

10)    Tolerations


Ten Things That Contribute to a Great Life

1)      A loving partner and/or family  

2)      Pets

3)      A daily practice of gratitude

4)      Supportive friends

5)      A mentor

6)      Work that inspires

7)      Beauty in all forms

8)      A quiet space to relax and feel comfortable

9)      A home that rises up to greet you

10)   A deep understanding of your authentic self

 I hope you will take time to make your own lists of Ten Things. When we take a moment to think about what we want to include in our lives, we really begin to design an environment that pulls us forward to where we long to be.