Summer of Self Care – Day 7

A Lucky Day for Self Care 

Today is 7/7 – if you think 7 is a lucky number, you must be loving 7/7/17!

Today is the day for you to make a few lists that contain 7 things each. These lists belong to you – not to someone else in your family. Don’t “should on yourself” either. Only things you want to list, not those things you think you should write down.

Here we go –

  • List seven things that contribute to a great Life
  • List seven easy things you’d like to do today 
  • List seven of your favorite movies (this one is especially important to a future prompt)
  • List seven things you wish you had time or could make time to do 
  • Make up your own list of seven – whatever comes to mind 

Now, you decide whether you want to do one or more of those seven easy things you listed for today. Or you could watch one of your seven favorite movies or schedule something you want to make time to do.

But, we’re not quite done.

Next step is to go to this website.







Write yourself a short note reminding you about the summer of self care that prompted you to create these lists. You might want to jot down a few things  that are going on for you right now. Or what you hope you will be feeling or doing a year from now. Congratulate yourself for going beyond the 30 days of self care, if that’s your intention,  and making yourself a priority for an entire year.

Then set it to be delivered back to your email on 7/7/18.

This email a year from now will remind you of a few things:

  1. Self care is so important to you today you that are spending at least 30 days on it.
  2. Where are you in the list of things that contribute to your great life?
  3. What movie do you want to watch a year from now?
  4. What did you make time for that you really wished you could do?
  5. Maybe it’s time to bring a bit more self care back into your life.
  6. What else was important to you today?

I think writing letters to your future self is fun and illuminating. Feel free to use this resource any day you feel like it would be valuable to you.

Finally, for extra credit,come back to this post on 7/7/18 and comment on your experience.


Summer of Self Care – Day 3

The more you love yourself, the more energy you create. And the more energy you create, the less you tolerate!


One of the first lessons I learned when I began my coach training program was about tolerations – how we carry around this list of things that we need to attend to. And maybe we see evidence of these tolerations when we walk past, for instance, a wall that needs repainting, drive with a crack in our car windshield or receive a card from a friend or relative we haven’t seen or talked to in a while.

These tolerations subconsciously and consciously drain our energy, make us feel tense and sometimes even engage us in a conversation of self-blame and frustration. “Why can’t I just take the time to paint that floor?” Or “I will get to that soon or I will scream!!!” They block us from feeling good about what we have or bringing in new opportunities. If we have too much physical and mental clutter, we don’t have room to love ourselves and love the space we are in.

Don’t scream. But for today, start a list of tolerations. The first time I did this, there were over 100. I feel no shame in that. And I started busting them, one by one. And I learned not only to love the space I was in more, I felt better about myself and my ability to handle things. Removing tolerations increased my self-care, which also increased my self-love.

Now when the time comes, you can bust them in a few ways.

You can do it and cross it off (or schedule it in a way that commits you to a time frame).

You can pay someone else to do it

You can say, “I’m never going to do this” and give it away, throw it away, or begin accept it for what it is. Try to stop letting it bother you in whatever way you can make that happen.

Again, today, the goal is just to start a list. And if you’re feeling Feisty, you can bust a toleration and cross it off your list today. But don’t overwhelm yourself. And as you’re making the list, don’t freak out. Breathe and say – “Everything happens in the right time and for the right reason.”

Once they start coming off your list and they go away from your mind and sight, you’ll see your energy returning.

Now I am off to make my appointments with my Ophthalmologist and my Dentist.


(Need extra help? Find an accountability buddy who will hold you accountable to the time frame. Or if there’s more to this, ask me for a free exploratory coaching session and we will uncover what’s getting in the way.)

What I Learned After April 15th

The best thing in this picture is the coffee.









When you’re self-employed, you’re responsible for all your bookkeeping, accounting and tax documentation. If you’re a Solopreneur like me, you probably choose to do it yourself.  And maybe, like me, it’s your least favorite thing to do and it often doesn’t get done regularly.  I’ll admit – I have gone an entire year and done nothing for myself but print out my monthly bank statements and filed income and expense documentation into appropriate folders. Not a great workflow. In fact, it’s a system that means I spend DAYS (usually at least a month) getting documentation and spreadsheets together for my accountant to file my tax return.

Every year, I begin with good intentions about bookkeeping, accounting and tax time. There’s a list in my head that runs something like this:

ð      Schedule monthly time for bookkeeping

ð      Enter income and expense data into spreadsheet monthly

ð      Save and organize documentation

ð      Start getting tax documentation summary for accountant in January, not April.

ð      Design a more paperless system

ð      Reconcile bank statements monthly

ð      Project income and expenses

Each year, I have failed at this list in some way.

For my 2016 return, I made some improvements, but I also fell short of my overall goal.

This year is going to be different. It already is. I pulled the list out of my head and put it down on paper. I scheduled a monthly money date for myself – the last Friday of every month. I’ve organized my receipts by month rather than just throwing them into a box or file to sort whenever I decide to take the time.

But my biggest revelation hit me the other day while driving to an appointment. I was passing by an office where I worked at a nonprofit for several years. I had just submitted my packet to the accountant and was thinking about aspects of my time working for for others.  In addition to all the responsibilities of being an Executive Director for a state nonprofit, I was responsible for the day to day administration of all the funds that came in and out of that organization.  Guess how I did that?

ð      Made copies of every piece of financial documentation

ð      Filed documentation and copies into files and a master binder, sorted by month

ð      Filed important papers like insurance, tax returns, yearly financial statements, etc. where I could easily find everything.

ð      Reconciled bank statement with Treasurer monthly

ð      Filed quarterly tax payments

ð      Created quarterly financial report for the board of directors

ð      Submitted tax info to accountant within a month after fiscal year end

So why do I treat my own company and my own business any differently?  Why is my business any less important than any of the other organizations I’ve served?

It isn’t.

“I Don’t Love This Task!!” my inner voice cries. “I can just do this at the end of the year! I’ve pulled it off before!”

But I hate doing it in large bunches like that. It feels overwhelming. I beat myself up with horrible self-talk. I feel like I am forgetting something important.

So on a Saturday afternoon when the house is quiet and I’ve committed to a few hours of catch up in my business, I am determined. I can make lists of what I really want, begin to create new habits and design a new workflow today. I can set aside this time I need monthly to do what I need to do. I can honor Bookkeeping Day just like I honor Back Up Day!

I could (not should) honor the day-to-day financial administration of my business just as I honored those tasks for companies I have worked for.  I can make that time feel comforting by pouring a cup of coffee, getting everything I need together and keeping that appointment with myself, no matter what.

Maybe I’ll even learn to like it a little more.



A Magical Day

Today is 10/10/10, a somewhat magical day in the world of numerology. I learned that a colleague got married today. In fact, many people decided to marry or do other exciting things on binary dates which are unique and memorable. You might not be planning something huge – maybe you didn’t plan anything at all. But it isn’t too late to consider a few things to make the day memorable.

 Another coach, Cheryl Richardson, decided to share a few lists today and I thought I would borrow her idea and create a few of my own. Take a look at my lists of Ten Things and then create your own based on what works for you. And enjoy this magical day!

 Ten Things I Will Say YES To:

1)      Time with my family

2)      A walk in the woods

3)      An hour a week of self care

4)      Moving my body

5)      Reading a good book

6)      Special notes and calls to my friends

7)      Lots of clean, fresh water to drink

8)      Gratitude journaling

9)      Creative time

10)   Petting my dogs

Ten Things I Will Say NO To:

1)      Gossip

2)      Negative Thoughts

3)      My inner censor who tells me I’m not good enough

4)      Drama and chaos

5)      Judgment of myself or others

6)      Stressful situations

7)      Clutter and messes

8)      Feelings of lack

9)      Procrastination

10)    Tolerations


Ten Things That Contribute to a Great Life

1)      A loving partner and/or family  

2)      Pets

3)      A daily practice of gratitude

4)      Supportive friends

5)      A mentor

6)      Work that inspires

7)      Beauty in all forms

8)      A quiet space to relax and feel comfortable

9)      A home that rises up to greet you

10)   A deep understanding of your authentic self

 I hope you will take time to make your own lists of Ten Things. When we take a moment to think about what we want to include in our lives, we really begin to design an environment that pulls us forward to where we long to be.