Enliven me, 2019!


It’s that time again! Time for me to reflect on the past year, and time for me to choose my One Little Word to guide me throughout the year ahead. You may remember this practice from a post last year.  This year, I’m doing a bit more reflection than usual, and will engage with Ali Edwards in her One Little Word class. It will allow me to intentionally live and express my word and create something meaningful that will last a lifetime and beyond.

But first, a wrap up. Last year’s word was Create and I feel like I want to remember a few things that stand out as I reflect on this word.

I created an environment that inspired and supported my creativity. My office/studio is totally fresh and new, and I enjoy every moment I spend here.

I created spaciousness in my closets and drawers and files and cabinets. And maybe even more importantly, I created spaciousness in my schedule.

I created opportunities to build my business in new ways and increase my income.

I created scrapbook layouts and mini albums for myself and for others.

I helped to create Hygge in our home, and created beautiful spaces for us to enjoy every day.

I created new systems and processes to manage the workflow, which inspired new systems and processes for the near year to come.

I created opportunities to partner and create with others, to celebrate with friends and to enjoy the place we live and the places we love to visit even more.

I created a deeper love and trust in my relationships, leaning in to my own authentic voice and listening for that voice in others.

There’s even more, but I feel like you get the picture and I’ve documented enough to be able to reflect even more on this first day of a brand new year.

After much thought, the word I’ve chosen this year is Enliven. I was leaning toward another “E-Word” (Enough) when I received an email from my team leader at inviteCHANGE, where I am a part of an amazing group of coaches. She wrote, “Congratulations Laurie and it’s so fun to witness you enlivened and vital!”

When I am feeling enlivened, I am exhilarated and feel like I am operating at my highest potential. It’s a total elevation – a place I rise up to. And I think it is there that I am the most inspired and intuitive, probably because I’m connected to my magical child. I want to connect with her much more often.

After seeing mentor’s email, I knew that Enliven was just the right word for me in 2019. So, I’m going to take this on and carry it with me. Who knows what this new year will bring? How can it be anything but spectacular with this One Little Word by my side?

What’s Your One Little Word?



How One Little Word (or Three) Guides My Path

One of my favorite quotes from a favorite book.

As 2017 winds down to an end, I realize again how much I love this transition from the old to the new. Everything seems fresh and possible to me. A new year, a new day, a new hour. Everything that’s old is new again.

Honestly, the eve of the new year is one of my favorite days. Not because I like to go out to parties or even that I am likely to ring in the new year in any special way. Sometimes we don’t even stay up till midnight! It’s really because I am standing at the doorway to new beginnings.

I have a practice of choosing one word that will guide my actions, my thoughts and my behaviors during the year. Last year was “Simplicity.” I found that I purged, created better flow, looked for ways to let go of things, people and thoughts that were no longer serving me. The year before, my one little word was Brave, and I stretched myself out of my comfort zone time and time again, creating a sense that I just needed to honor that intention, and the rest would fall into place.

This year, my one little word is Create. In fact, I have a bit of a formula attached to it this year. So actually, it’s three little words:

Connect. Engage. Create.

The process, as I am envisioning it, begins with Connecting to my authentic self. The true longing of my soul. The inherent skills and talents I possess. My creative trio – mind, body and spirit.

Then, I Engage all of those aspects of myself as I connect to them. I call them to life. Summon all the best I have to offer in whatever it is I am designing.

Then the Creation begins – whether I have a plan of exactly what, why and how or whether there’s an end result I am looking for but have no idea how I will get there. For me, creating sometimes begins with knowing nothing. And sometimes, I have a clear sense of exactly what I am trying to achieve.

It’s hard for me to imagine what all I can accomplish with this word as my touchstone this year!

I encourage my clients to come up with one little word to guide their year as well. As a coach, I find that setting an intention for the year helps my clients move into the habits, opportunities and behaviors they are looking to practice or design.

Want to give it a try? It’s very simple. Just ask yourself – what’s your one little word for the year?

(Ali Edwards is a creative entrepreneur and has designed an entire course on the concept of creating One Little Word each year. You can find her work in this area here.)



My One Little Word

This is the second year I have chosen a word to guide me throughout the year. I first heard about this from my scrapbooking friends – One Little Word is a class taught by Ali Edwards, who is kind of a big deal in those circles. While I haven’t taken the class, I like the idea of creating a personal ‘word’ and reflecting back on it all year.

So this year, I hadn’t yet settled on a word when my world was rocked. On January 8th, my part-time position with a national nonprofit was suddenly eliminated. We had gone through a restructuring the year before, and I was still hanging in. So admittedly, I was surprised when my grip was loosened. Stunned. Felt the floor shifting under my feet. It was a great job and I thought I would be with that company until I retired. Surprise! Not so. Nope. Not today.

When I regained my footing and got some clarity, I created my one little word for 2016. It is:




I realized I was going to have to make sure this business of mine brought in a full time income, rather than a part-time one. It mattered now whether I had clients who stayed with me, new clients to replace the old and tax money put aside all along the way rather than at the end of the year. My fears and anxieties would have to be pushed aside or dealt with in order to do my best at this and be successful.

What fears do I have? Oh there are a lot of them. I would tell you about all of them, but that would give them voice and I try not to let them talk a lot. It’s easier that way. But here’s an example.

A lot of people who know me know that I am an introvert by nature. Yes, I can act as if I am an extrovert, but at my core, being alone and coaching people one-to one energizes and delights me. Networking? I don’t Prefer it. But I learned long ago to tolerate it. Some days, I even embrace it.

Let’s just say, I chose this word and then what happened?

  • Embrace networking? Enter new clients who bring me weekly opportunities to network with people I’ve never met.
  • Create an LLC rather than a sole proprietorship? Enter an opportunity to learn a lot of information that confuses and frustrates me, but keeps moving forward, step by step. And allows me to work with and learn from people I genuinely love.
  • Expand into a new market? Enter the opportunity to drive into New Orleans and Mobile to attend meetings and meet with referral partners.

These are the ways I have to continually get into the framework and action around my one little word.

What I’ve noticed is that once I set my intention around this word, all sorts of opportunities have shown up for me to prove that I’m committed. Beyond opportunities, the word shows up in articles, conversations, songs and just everywhere I look. There are two songs that have been in my iTunes playlist for years– one is Brave by Sara Bareilles and another is the song Learn me Right from the original soundtrack of the movie Brave. (This one is really special to me because it was gifted to me by a client who thought it described what she got out of coaching with me.) When I shuffle my songs, both of these songs ALWAYS come up. And let me tell you, I have a large iTunes library. So the odds are like 2 in 4589. And they didn’t used to show up quite so much as they do now.

Today, I was actually inspired to write this post about my one little word because I was reading a book by Thomas Leonard, considered by many to be the father of coaching. He wrote this book called The Portable Coach to help people be more attractive and create a strong personal foundation using these 28 strategies he thought were critical to practice. I decided to take a look at this book again since I hadn’t read it in many years. Strategy number one already reminded me of how brilliant he really was, but this quote really got me. It’s on the Very First Page!  Seriously. I can’t make this up. So here it is – get ready:

“Because fortune really does favor the brave, and the brave are guided by their own lights.”




2016 One Little Word

I always create a little Project Life card for my scrapbook to remember my One Little Word for the year.