Enliven me, 2019!


It’s that time again! Time for me to reflect on the past year, and time for me to choose my One Little Word to guide me throughout the year ahead. You may remember this practice from a post last year.  This year, I’m doing a bit more reflection than usual, and will engage with Ali Edwards in her One Little Word class. It will allow me to intentionally live and express my word and create something meaningful that will last a lifetime and beyond.

But first, a wrap up. Last year’s word was Create and I feel like I want to remember a few things that stand out as I reflect on this word.

I created an environment that inspired and supported my creativity. My office/studio is totally fresh and new, and I enjoy every moment I spend here.

I created spaciousness in my closets and drawers and files and cabinets. And maybe even more importantly, I created spaciousness in my schedule.

I created opportunities to build my business in new ways and increase my income.

I created scrapbook layouts and mini albums for myself and for others.

I helped to create Hygge in our home, and created beautiful spaces for us to enjoy every day.

I created new systems and processes to manage the workflow, which inspired new systems and processes for the near year to come.

I created opportunities to partner and create with others, to celebrate with friends and to enjoy the place we live and the places we love to visit even more.

I created a deeper love and trust in my relationships, leaning in to my own authentic voice and listening for that voice in others.

There’s even more, but I feel like you get the picture and I’ve documented enough to be able to reflect even more on this first day of a brand new year.

After much thought, the word I’ve chosen this year is Enliven. I was leaning toward another “E-Word” (Enough) when I received an email from my team leader at inviteCHANGE, where I am a part of an amazing group of coaches. She wrote, “Congratulations Laurie and it’s so fun to witness you enlivened and vital!”

When I am feeling enlivened, I am exhilarated and feel like I am operating at my highest potential. It’s a total elevation – a place I rise up to. And I think it is there that I am the most inspired and intuitive, probably because I’m connected to my magical child. I want to connect with her much more often.

After seeing mentor’s email, I knew that Enliven was just the right word for me in 2019. So, I’m going to take this on and carry it with me. Who knows what this new year will bring? How can it be anything but spectacular with this One Little Word by my side?

What’s Your One Little Word?



An End of Year Ritual

These last few days of the year are some of my favorites! I spend a lot of time looking ahead and planning what I want to accomplish in the new year. I also spend some time intentionally reviewing the past year and what I want to celebrate and making a list of what I am grateful for. On the flip side, I also make a list of what I want to let go. Weather permitting, (it’s a pretty bleak and rainy day!) I will engage in a favorite ritual.  At some point after dark, I’ll build a fire in the fire pit tonight to release the list of gratitudes and the list of things I need to let go of before the clock strikes midnight. I’ve been writing them down for a few weeks now.

This year was an epic year for me. I’m celebrating a couple of major shifts and changes:

  • I realized a significant increase in the number of clients and in my yearly income.
  • I enrolled in an advanced coach development training program that was absolutely phenomenal.
  • I became a Certified Infinite Possibilities trainer, and subsequently achieved Trailblazer status.
  • I spent a few days in Maui, delivering my first Infinite Possibilities Training.
  • We completed an office re-do that has greatly improved my work flow and organization.
  • I started and finished my first 1/2 marathon.

I’m grateful to all the people who helped and supported me along the way as I achieved these goals. It’s been an amazing year of connections with others, those I’ve known for awhile and some that are brand new to me.

Now for what I’m letting go of:

  • My attachment to place.
  • My attachment to time and the way I use it.
  •  Clutter – both inside my mind and in my environment.
  • Lingering negative beliefs about money.
  • Feeling out of balance, which at times, caused me to unconsciously put limits on my capacity.
  • My feelings of inadequacy.
  • That Perfectionista that lives inside of me and tells me I’m not enough if I’m not perfect.

I’ve worked hard this year, but much of the time, it felt effortless and authentic. My independence as an entrepreneur is something I treasure. So above everything, I’m celebrating that I can begin 2019 still in business! And that I have a bright, shiny new year, with all the possibility it can bring.

You may remember one of my favorite passages to read at this time of year. It comes from a favorite book of daily inspiration – Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach.

“…but time is the New Year’s bountiful blessing: three hundred sixty-five bright mornings and starlit evenings; fifty-two promising weeks; twelve transformative months full of beautiful possibilities; and four splendid seasons. A simply abundant year to be savored.” 


May 2019 bring you all that you desire and are willing to choose.


Instruments of Grace

Recently, I posted on Facebook that I am reading Waking Up in Winter by Cheryl Richardson. In truth, I am listening to it on Audiobook, which is always nicer when it’s read by the author. I’m enjoying this book so far – it’s very different from her others because it’s a journaled memoir. At the start of the book, she mentions that her husband reminded her of her love for May Sarton’s journals, so she structured this new book in much the same way.

The added gift for me in all of this is that it reminded me of my own love of May Sarton’s journals and that I have had Journal of a Solitude in my Kindle library for quite awhile. I used to own Plant Dreaming Deep and lost my copy of it to the storm all those years ago. “Why haven’t I read this one yet?” I wondered to myself.

Fast forward a few days when I decide to pick up Journal of a Solitude while simultaneously reading Waking Up in Winter. Reading them both is a great way of caring for myself during this introspective time of the year. Lately, I’ve felt a yearning inside of me, but I wasn’t quite sure what I was longing for. Reading both of these books seemed like a good place to discover what’s been missing.

What these two memoirs have given me so far is a reminder to notice the beauty that is all around me. I can get very distracted by work, time commitments, and a desire to do all the things I want to do. And those distractions keep me from really noticing the silky golden beauty of my granddaughter’s hair or the perfect grace of my cat’s leap onto the couch just before he snuggles next to me.

While uncovering and re-positioning plants after the latest freeze, I noticed how the Jasmine’s leaves are still so shiny and was reminded that we will soon see the tiny buds of her flowers begin to show. ( I am so grateful she didn’t wither away during this cold winter we’ve been having.)

Mardi Gras is early this year, so I am delighted by social media photos of the vibrant colors on glorious Carnival ball gowns. And the familiar Zydeco music on my Pandora playlist begins to fill my office because I am ready to wake up a little myself.







This morning I made a new chili recipe and I was happy to see the mix of yellow corn, red tomatoes and black beans. And the smell of Coriander and Cumin are all around me as I write this post.

I don’t like getting so caught up with the every day routine of life that I forget to notice and articulate the beautiful things that surround me.

Even before I recognized what was happening, I was drawn to the simple beauty of the blog, videos and Instagram photos of A Wooden Nest. Seeing the simple made wonderful in knitting a pair of socks or making a pot of oatmeal made me instantly connect with this woman’s work.

Once I connected with the realization that I was craving simple beauty, it all made sense. The journal memoirs, the videos and the enjoyment of being outside again after weeks and weeks of bitter cold weather – I needed to pay attention to all of it.

Noticing creates connections to those things I love – those things I am craving. Beauty brings me back to myself.

May Sarton said “Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace.”

So that’s my deeper intention for this little while – to slow down and force patience. To seek out the instruments of grace that surround me.

Now that I’ve opened my eyes, they won’t be hard to find.

Listen to the Rhythms of January

Do you notice that January brings a desire to declutter, purge and re-organize your home, office and maybe even your car? If so, you’re not alone.

While the phrase “Spring Cleaning” is more popular than “January De-Cluttering,” this is a natural time for us to take stock and think about what we own, where we store it and whether it’s still relevant to our lives and our work.

If you’re feeling a desire to purge, declutter or re-organize, honor the feeling and do what you feel led to do. But don’t feel as though you have to do it all in one month. Listen to the natural rhythms that exist within your life and your climate. Maybe put an empty box by the back door and add to it when you find you can’t fit those coffee cups into the cabinet easily anymore. Or you discover some of the clothes you didn’t wear last year need to go to someone who will actually benefit from them this year.

December brings with it some gifts of food as well, making our bodies a bit overwhelmed. We often take stock of our eating and fitness habits during this time of year.

Winter is usually a time we draw inward and rest and reflect. So joining a gym and hitting it every day may be counterintuitive to your natural new year rhythms. Listen to what you feel like doing and think about when it may fit into your life. If you want to walk more, notice for a few days when you feel most like walking or moving your body a bit more. Track it for awhile and then see if that fits into your desired fitness schedule.

What would bring you comfort during this time of the year? Are you ready to create a sanctuary for the year ahead? A place that is visually stimulating and practical? Take one small step at a time and think first about which area of your life is pulling you with the strongest desire. Are you in need of warm baths with hot tea and a good book? Or do you feel like baking warm bread and sharing it with neighbors or friends.

What are you longing for?

Whatever is calling you, let it have a voice. When we connect with, listen to and honor our natural rhythms and desires, we are better for it.


Get Your Ducks in a Row

I started my business full time a little over a year ago after a national nonprofit I worked for went through a restructuring. I had just gotten an exemplary yearly evaluation and a lovely bonus. Suddenly, I was offered a severance package and transitional services. It was a shock and I struggled to process what had happened while figuring out what was next.

I decided to just take the leap and do this thing that I love – coach full time. A short while later,  my coach was helping me work through this new development.  Not surprisingly, I expressed I was having some fear, grief, anger – all the things you would expect to feel.

My brilliant coach said, “So what’s your first next step? What are you feeling like you need to do?”

I replied, “I need to get my ducks in a row.” We then talked about what that meant. It could have included “busyness” like website redo, new business cards, systems and processes to build my capacity to serve more clients, etc. etc. Really Busy Stuff. But honestly, what it meant for me was first getting my head in the game. Aligning my mind and my business goals with what I want to do, my vision, my why, my business philosophy. My values.  Everything should be synced and pulling me forward.

A few days later, I found this.

My row of ducks










What’s weird about this little bit of pewter goodness is that in that moment, I truly didn’t remember EVER SEEING IT BEFORE. I just turned my head one day while journaling in my favorite chair and there it was, in the bookcase in front of some business books. Yes, that’s right. Business books.

I freaked out a little, I’m not going to lie. Where did this come from? How did it get here? It’s in front of my business books!!!

I began searching my brain and remembered where it came from. It belonged to my mother. Then I remembered even more – my sister gave it to her and it was especially meaningful  because mom had three girls. I probably found it in a large mass of boxes brought to my home after my mom died and decided hastily to pop it into the bookcase rather than donate or give it away. I have probably seen it hundreds of times but never really took it in.

In that moment, after I had declared to my coach that I needed to get my ducks in a row, it suddenly came into my view and I got it.


Now, it became a symbol for what I needed to do.

Fast forward to now, just a few months past my one year, full-time business anniversary, I’ve been reflecting a lot on what I’ve accomplished, what I haven’t accomplished (I spend way too much time on that one) and what I‘ve learned.  Oh, the learning.

I was cleaning and decluttering my desk the other day and moved my laptop and found the little ducks again. There they were – there they always are – reminding me. A little talisman.

“Get your ducks in a row, Laurie.”

It’s an ongoing process, right? It isn’t ever really over. Sometimes my ducks walk out of line.

Like recently, when I made a decision about an opportunity that was so out of line that I almost instantly realized I needed to pull that duck back in. Every day that duck was out of line was a struggle for me.  I made an impulsive decision that wasn’t aligned with my overall vision. And I knew I needed to let it go.

You see, I have this list of things that I usually go by in order to decide if something is right for me. An opportunity has to tick all these boxes. This one didn’t really tick any of them.

So, I am letting go of the regret and blaming I was doing about taking this thing on in the first place. Because I have discovered that while this detour was all wrong for me, it has taught me a lot more about myself. And has led me to discover some pretty incredible opportunities I would maybe have ignored before. For whatever reason, it was meant to be, but not for very long. I veered off to the right and it took me just a short time to get back in line.  I remembered what it’s like to feel aligned. I found myself again. And when you find yourself again, it just makes you realize even more how important it is to be your complete self.

Thanks to my ducks.

So let me ask you – what’s on your list of boxes? What do you have to check in order to decide if an opportunity or relationship is right for you?

How does it feel to be connected to your complete self? How do you know when you are not in the place you need to be?

How is what you’re doing now aligning with what you want to be doing?

Is there something  that feels out of range – either out of control, out of alignment or out of your ability to accomplish?

What do you need to do in order to get your ducks in a row?

What have you learned from the things that weren’t right for you?

What’s next?


If you need some help, I am always available to help you get your ducks back in a row through a coaching session. Contact me if that’s something you need right now. 


Book Review – Creating the Magic: 10 Common Sense Leadership Strategies from a Life at Disney

Creating the Magic: 10 Common Sense Leadership Strategies from a Life at Disney
Lee Cockerell

I picked this book up at one of my favorite bookstores in Walt Disney World two years ago. I hadn’t heard of it and thought it might be helpful to me in my work as a coach and consultant for small businesses and nonprofits. But like a lot of the books I have on my shelves, it took me awhile to crack it open.

Once I did though, I found it was very easy to digest and practical for almost any company I work with. The author weaves the story of his career development at the same time sharing examples of specific ways in which you can learn from his mistakes and successes.

His tenure at Disney wasn’t without challenge – hurricanes and tropical storms impacting guests stranded at the park and resorts as well as cast members who were affected by damage. Also changes and restructuring in several of the companies he worked for over the years.

Each chapter is well thought out with anecdotes to support his strategies as well as action steps to go forward and use as checklists or barometers.

It’s a short read – about 250 pages – and is written using a style that’s easy to read but stimulates a lot of thinking about your own strategies and systems.

My original hope of using these strategies to help clients was definitely realized. I use it when discussing team member roles, customer service, staying connected to mission, and creating a culture of empowered and respectful employees. These aren’t difficult lessons or strategies to implement – you can begin to put these ideas into practice while you are reading the book. And if you are working with a coach, it’s a way to marry the coaching and accountability piece with the tips and tactics you’re learning. I definitely introduce it to clients and invite them to bring the lessons into the coaching conversations.

I gave this book

because it’s solidly written and contains a lot of helpful information on how to create a successful leadership style and develop talent that will lead your brand.

After reading, I found out Lee has a podcast, which I am now subscribed to, as well as several other books. The next on my list is Time Management Magic. I’ll review it as soon as I finish.

If you decide to take a look, let me know what you think in the comments below.




Just Five Minutes – Visualize what you want to accomplish!


To accomplish great things we must first dream, then visualize, then plan… believe… act!

Alfred A. Montapert







Today’s Just Five Minutes assignment is about visualizing what it is you are trying to accomplish. I believe it’s important to use visualization because it helps you create a mindset, or a belief, that you can succeed. You know – that’s one of my 4 Elements for Success!

In today’s video, I am sharing why I think this works, and it’s not just because I’ve experienced it first hand. I’ve seen many clients use it as well to land the job they were seeking, to succeed as entrepreneurs or to experience those bucket list items they have dreamed about.

I’ve used it not just to sell a house, but to buy the house I am writing this blog post in right now.  I saw myself working in this very business, in this very office almost six years ago today. Visualization helps you to align your thoughts and beliefs so that inspirational ideas and the right people and circumstances all come together to achieve your goal.

Visualization itself isn’t enough. Don’t forget there are 3 other elements to success. But it’s a fun and easy way to help you get there.

If you have questions or need more help along the way, just reach out and ask.

Here’s to your success!

Just Five Minutes – Visualize Your Success

The Power of a Notebook

One of my favorite notebooks – Laurel Burch designs always make me happy.

You may think I’m going to talk about the famous Nicolas Sparks movie that everyone loves and correlate it to everyday life. But, no.

I’m talking about the power of keeping a notebook by your side, everywhere you go, to record your thoughts, ideas, learning points, motivational quotes, dreams, goals and connections.

The power of a notebook is simple and yet so profound. If you carry around a small pad with you everywhere you go, nothing you ever think, hear or say is lost to you. You never have to worry about whether it will come back around again or what happens if you forget it completely. It’s there – in ink. Until you decide to deal with it.

And I am a big believer in carrying one with you to meetings, keeping one on your desk, in your car, in your purse, on your nightstand – everywhere you may need one in case something sparks.

And don’t forget the ‘dealing with it’ part. It’s not enough to keep writing things down. You have to do something with them or those ideas are no good to you.

So here’s an example of what’s in one of the notebooks that I carry around:

Notes from a Women Entrepreneurs’ meeting in May about the Imposter Syndrome, minutes from a board I serve as Secretary, notes from a conference call for a client, ideas for speakers for my podcast, Just 5 Minutes blog ideas, a couple of quotes and some personal goals. In another notebook, I keep notes on books I am reading and books I want to read during the month. (yeah, bookish girls make monthly book goals).  The notebook by my bed ensures I remember dreams or other thoughts and ideas I have while I am just waking up or about to go to sleep.

I also write Morning Pages every morning  and sometimes have ideas while I am journaling (I have done Morning Pages, inspired by Julia Cameron’s work for over 10 years – see here for more).  But I can’t keep them in that space because I’d have to remember what day I had the idea. I simply transfer the idea to the notebook that’s the best fit and I’m all set.

What happens to those notes? I pull out and file the Imposter Syndrome notes to use for clients or for a future workshop topic. I type out the board minutes and mark them as done. I act on the conference call notes, speakers, and blog ideas.  I make the quotes into Memes for social media and I transfer the personal goals to my planner if they are a monthly goal or to my year-long plan if they are long-term.

Notes can also be delegated to someone else – staff, friends, family members, colleagues – whoever might be able to execute a task or move an idea into production.

If you review the notes and decide you really don’t want to do anything with that idea, you have a couple of options: discard it forever or give it to someone else who might want to act on it. That’s easy for me because I often think of ideas that will help my clients and this is a great way for me to remember those ideas between sessions.

Personally, I collect notebooks so that I’m never without one when I need it most. The prettier they are, the more I love them. I have small ones, larger ones, spiral bound and staple bound. They don’t have to cost a lot. I’ve even found some cute little notebooks at the Dollar Store or in Target’s dollar bins.  Some of mine have gorgeous, textured or leather-bound covers. Others are plain and perfect in their simplicity.


Just a few of my current notebooks.

If this sounds like it will work for you, pull a notebook out of your supply cabinet or junk drawer. Or go pick one up at the store. And start recording those ideas that come to you while you are driving, eating or sleeping. You’ll be glad you did.

(And for those who don’t like the paper and pen kind of notetaking, use an app like Evernote or the Note pad on your phone. You can also record notes on your voice memo recorder as well. Just make sure you have it nearby when the inspiration strikes.)



Just Five Minutes – Explore Podcasts

Today’s Just Five Minutes is all about the value of Podcasts. As you can see from this video, there are a LOT of them to choose from. You can be entertained, educated and enthralled by Podcasts that are archived or added every day.

Just Five Minutes – Explore Podcasts

In the video, I mentioned one of my favorites as the Women’s Entrepreneur Association, but it’s actually the Female Entrepreneur Association Podcasts by Carrie Green.

Also, the Podcast Serial on This American Life can be found here:

Another favorite of mine is Harper Collins Presents. This link is to the iTunes subscription, but if you don’t have iTunes, I’m sure you can subscribe in another way. I’m currently obsessed with the audio retelling of After the Funeral, by Agatha Christie. It’s delivered in parts and I feel like I understand what it must have been like for my parents to listen to a radio program once a week and have to wait for the next installment.

Hope you enjoy a podcast or two. And as always, let me know what love to listen to.

That’s your Just Five Minutes for today. I’m off to find out what happened to the Abernathy family After the Funeral or to Bowe Bergdahl in the second season of Serial.



Just Five Minutes – A Letter to your Future Self


Your Just Five Minutes assignment today is to write a letter to your future self.

Just Five Minutes – A Letter to your Future Self

I use this personally every year, at least once a year, as an opportunity to set intentions for theyear, celebrate accomplishments and encourage myself to keep going when things get difficult.

You might wonder what you would write to your future self.  You can send yourself a pat on the back for a major project you’ve completed. Or you can decide how you want to feel at the end of the year or month or quarter and remind yourself of that in your letter.

You can celebrate your birthday or a work anniversary by sending an advance congratulatory card to yourself.

There are no limits and no rules. I would strongly suggest that you make it compassionate and loving.  Just go to www.futureme.org. Here’s the other one I mentioned in the Vlog.


A Letter to Myself (http://alettertomyself.com) shows you an example of what your letter might look like.

Let me know if you do it and how you felt about it.

Just five minutes and your letter or email is on it’s way!