Your Absolute YES! List

Just Say Yes
Now that we have taken a few moments to look at how and when to say no, today we will look at what makes you say, “HECK YES!!!” Because taking a look at your Absolute Yes List helps you remember what to say no to.
An Absolute Yes List is a list of those things that you know you will always say yes to. They may be things that are aligned with your values, work process, health care plan or your commitment to family.
For example, your Absolute Yes List might include:
- I always take time for a lunch break to breathe and slow down.
- We leave our phones at the door when we come together for dinner as a couple/family.
- I work reasonable hours. On most days, I will arrive at _____ and leave by _____.
- When entering my busy season at work, I will make time to walk for at least 15 minutes each day.
- I will take at least one week of vacation time per year.
- I have an open door policy.
- I have an open door policy between the hours of ______.
You get the idea, right? What are those things that you will rarely compromise on?
And what are those opportunities that really light you up? How do you feel when you know you have been gifted with something you want to say an Absolute yes to?
When you take time to think of those things that make you want to say yes every time, and those things in your past that you have said yes to with absolutely no regret, you will be able to create a list of Absolute Yeses.
If you’re a Caregiver, there are things you can’t compromise on. If someone calls and says your parent, spouse, sister, etc. is in need of something immediately, you say Yes. And you go. Do. Handle.
But this also means you have to make room in your life for those Absolute Yeses so that you don’t feel so pulled and chaotic that those yeses make your whole day go off kilter.
Today, start what you think is your Absolute Yes List. It doesn’t have to be carved in stone and it certainly may change, especially if you are a Caregiver.
Think of what lights you up – what brings you the most joy or satisfaction? Is it time with a friend? Travel? A hobby? A collaboration?
What makes you want to say,
(I recently purchased a T-shirt designed by Amy Tangerine. I love all of her stuff and she collaborated on this project with My Cents of Style. I love this t-shirt because when I wear it, it makes me feel open to those things I want to say YES to. The other day, I was wearing it for the work day and later found myself with a few minutes to visit my granddaughters. My 10-year old granddaughter, Kandyce, said, “Grandmama, why does your t-shirt say, “Heck Yes?” I told her that it reminds me to consider those things that excite me the most and say yes to them – like a short visit to see her on a Friday afternoon. If you want a Heck Yes t-shirt, you can find it here!)